Resultados: 6

Kroonilise südamepuudulikkusega täiskasvanud patsiendi käsitlus esmatasandil
Treatment of an adult patient with chronic heart failure in primary care

In chronic heart failure (CHF), the heart's ability to work effectively decreases - heart failure (CHF) usually develops over a long period of time and is chronic. The number of patients with chronic heart failure is increasing in developed countries. The reason for this is the aging of the population an...

Alkoholitarvitamise häirega patsiendi käsitlus
Management of the patient with alcohol use disorder

The update of the treatment manual "Management of the patient with alcohol use disorder" was initiated because five years had passed since the publication of the original manual in 2015. The updated treatment manual helps to ensure modern treatment of patients with alcohol use disorder in Estonia. At th...

Täiskasvanute astma käsitlus esmatasandil
Management of adult asthma in primary care

The update of the treatment guide "Management of adult asthma in primary care" was initiated because five years had passed since the publication of the original guide. The procedure for updating treatment manuals is written in the "Estonian manual for the preparation of treatment manuals" (2020). At the ...

Kroonilise obstruktiivse kopsuhaiguse käsitlus
Management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

O termo "doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica, ou DPOC" (eng. doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica ou DPOC) foi introduzido pela primeira vez em 1962 para denotar “obstrução crônica das vias aéreas de etiologia obscura” (1). Além da DPOC, circulavam em sentido semelhante os diagnósticos “doe...

Täiskasvanute unehäirete esmane diagnostika
Primary diagnosis of sleep disorders in adults

Sleep disorders are extremely common in the population. There are no exact data on the prevalence of sleep disorders in Estonia. In Western Europe, according to a cross-sectional study among people older than 15 years, 31% of people have sleep disorders. Half of the people with sleep disorder complaints ...