Resultados: 8

Epilepsies in children, young people and adults

This guideline covers diagnosing and managing epilepsy in children, young people and adults in primary and secondary care, and referral to tertiary services. It aims to improve diagnosis and treatment for different seizure types and epilepsy syndromes, and reduce the risks for people with epilepsy. MHR...

Epilepsia käsitlus fertiilses eas naistel ja rasedatel
Management of epilepsy in women of childbearing age and pregnant women

The previous Estonian epilepsy treatment manual was prepared by an Estonian named L. Puusepa Under the leadership of the Society of Neurologists and Neurosurgeons in 2009 (1). It was done with a voluminous guide, where, among other topics, epilepsy treatment in fertile women was also discussed aged women...

Epilepsies: diagnosis and management

The guideline covers diagnosing, treating and managing epilepsy and seizures in children, young people and adults in primary and secondary care. It offers best practice advice on managing epilepsy to improve health outcomes so that people with epilepsy can fully participate in daily life. MHRA advice o...

Cannabis-based medicinal products: Last updated 22 March 2021

This guideline covers prescribing of cannabis-based medicinal products for people with intractable nausea and vomiting, chronic pain, spasticity and severe treatment-resistant epilepsy....

Guía clínica epilepsia en niños

La epilepsia es una condición neurológica caracterizada por “crisis de epilepsia” recurrentes y no provocadas por desencadenantes inmediatos identificables. La “crisis de epilepsia” es la manifestación clínica de una descarga anormal y excesiva de un grupo de neuronas cerebrales. La epilepsia...

Epilepsies: diagnosis and management

The guideline covers diagnosing, treating and managing epilepsy and seizures in children, young people and adults in primary and secondary care. It offers best practice advice on managing epilepsy to improve health outcomes so that people with epilepsy can fully participate in daily life....