Epilepsia käsitlus fertiilses eas naistel ja rasedatel
Management of epilepsy in women of childbearing age and pregnant women
Ano de publicação: 2022
The previous Estonian epilepsy treatment manual was prepared by an Estonian named L. Puusepa
Under the leadership of the Society of Neurologists and Neurosurgeons in 2009 (1). It was done
with a voluminous guide, where, among other topics, epilepsy treatment in fertile women was also discussed
aged women and pregnant women. Over the last decade, the topic has developed significantly
- a lot of new information and recommendations related to the management of epilepsy have been added
in young women and during pregnancy.
et|Eelmine Eesti epilepsia ravijuhend valmis L. Puusepa nimelise Eesti
Neuroloogide ja Neurokirurgide Seltsi eestvedamisel 2009. aastal (1). Tegu oli
mahuka juhendiga, kus teiste teemade seas käsitleti ka epilepsiaravi fertiilses
eas naistel ja rasedatel. Viimase kümnendi jooksul on teema oluliselt arenenud
– lisandunud on palju uut teavet ja soovitusi, mis on seotud epilepsia käsitlusega
noortel naistel ja raseduse ajal.