Epilepsies: diagnosis and management

Ano de publicação: 2021

The guideline covers diagnosing, treating and managing epilepsy and seizures in children, young people and adults in primary and secondary care. It offers best practice advice on managing epilepsy to improve health outcomes so that people with epilepsy can fully participate in daily life.

MHRA advice on antiepileptic drugs in pregnancy:

In May 2021, we reviewed and amended recommendations on carbamazepine, gabapentin, lamotrigine, levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, pregabalin, topiramate and zonisamide in line with the MHRA updated safety advice on antiepileptic drugs in pregnancy.

MHRA advice on valproate:

We have amended recommendations in line with the MHRA guidance on valproate use by women and girls. Valproate must not be used in women and girls of childbearing potential (including young girls who are likely to need treatment into their childbearing years), unless other options are unsuitable and the pregnancy prevention programme is in place. The MHRA has published temporary advice on the valproate pregnancy prevention programme during the COVID-19 pandemic.