Resultados: 5

PET-CT v diagnostice a kontrole léčby onkologických onemocnění
PET-CT in the diagnosis and control of the treatment of oncological diseases

Pozitronová emisní tomografie (PET) v kombinaci s výpočetní tomografií, popř. s magnetickou rezonancí je zobrazovací vyšetřovací metoda nukleární medicíny. Využívá cíleného funkčního zobrazení specifických vlastností buněk pomocí radiofarmak. Největší uplatnění má PET v s...

Suspected cancer: recognition and referral

This guideline covers identifying children, young people and adults with symptoms that could be caused by cancer. It outlines appropriate investigations in primary care, and selection of people to refer for a specialist opinion. It aims to help people understand what to expect if they have symptoms that ...

Guideline on aspects of cancer-related venous thrombosis

Br. j. haematol; 170 (5), 2015
The guideline was drafted by a writing group identified by the Haemostasis and Thrombosis Task Force of the British Committee for Standards in Haematology (BCSH). All the authors are consultants in haematology in the UK. A search was performed of PubMed and Embase using the term 'cancer' combined with 't...

Guía de Práctica Clínica con evaluación económica para la prevención, diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento del cáncer de piel no melanoma: carcinoma basocelular. Guía completa

La guía está dirigida al personal clínico asistencial que brinda cuidados a pacientes con carcinoma basocelular, en lo relativo a prevención, diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento, en los diferentes grados de complejidad de los servicios de la tención en salud en el marco del SGSSS (médicos famil...

Cancer Control Knowledge into Action WHO Guide for Effective Programmes Diagnosis and Treatment

The first module in the Cancer Control series, Planning, provides a template for cancer control planning and progamme implementation. The recommended framework draws on earlier WHO work in this field, the principles of which are set out in National cancer control programmes, policies and managerial guide...