Resultados: 4

Guideline No. 432c: induction of labour

J. obstet. gynaecol. Can; 45 (1), 2023
This guideline presents evidence and recommendations for cervical ripening and induction of labour. It aims to provide information to birth attendants and pregnant individuals on optimal perinatal care while avoiding unnecessary obstetrical intervention. Consistent interprofessional use of the guideline,...

Mise à jour technique nº 429: Artéfact de la fréquence cardiaque maternelle pendant la surveillance du bien-être fœtal per partum
Technical update mº 429: Maternal heart rate artifact during perpartum fetal health monitoring

J. obstet. gynaecol. Can; 44 (9), 2022
Améliorer les issues périnatales et réduire au minimum le risque d’erreurs chez les fournisseurs en améliorant leurs connaissances sur les stratégies de détection des artéfacts de la fréquence cardiaque maternelle per partum et sur les modes d’intervention lorsque de tels artéfacts sont soup...

Preterm labour and birth

This guideline covers the care of women at increased risk of, or with symptoms and signs of, preterm labour (before 37 weeks), and women having a planned preterm birth. It aims to reduce the risks of preterm birth for the baby and describes treatments to prevent or delay early labour and birth....

Intrapartum care for healthy women and babies

This guideline covers the care of healthy women and their babies, during labour and immediately after the birth. It focuses on women who give birth between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy (‘term’). The guideline helps women to make an informed choice about where to have their baby. It also aims to reduc...