Resultados: 22

European Society of Intensive Care Medicine clinical practice guideline on fluid therapy in adult critically ill patients. Part 1: the choice of resuscitation fluids

Intensive care med; 50 (6), 2024
Purpose This is the first of three parts of the clinical practice guideline from the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) on resuscitation fluids in adult critically ill patients. This part addresses fluid choice and the other two will separately address fluid amount and fluid removal. Me...

Development of a clinical practice guideline for physiotherapy management of adults invasively ventilated with community-acquired

Physiotherapy; 122 (), 2024
Patients hospitalised with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) are frequently admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) for invasive mechanical ventilation and receive treatment by physiotherapists. However, clinical physiotherapy practice is variable for this ICU cohort. To develop a clinical practice gui...

Criteria, Processes and Determination of Competence in Basic Critical Care Echocardiography Training - a Delphi Process Consensus Statement by the Learning Ultrasound in Critical Care (LUCC) Initiative

Chest; (21), 2021
With the paucity of high-quality studies on longitudinal basic critical care echocardiography (BCCE) training, expert-opinion guidelines have guided BCCE training. However, existing guidelines lack precise detail due to methodological flaws during guideline-development. To formulate methodologically robu...

Guía para el cuidado de pacientes adultos críticos con COVID-19 en las Américas - versión 3

Esta guía de práctica clínica, en cuya elaboración se siguió el método GRADE, tiene por objeto proveer recomendaciones para el manejo de pacientes adultos críticos con COVID-19 atendidos en las unidades de cuidados intensivos. Ofrece recomendaciones basadas en evidencia para la identificación de ...

Guía para el cuidado de pacientes adultos críticos con COVID-19 en las Américas - versión 2

Esta guía de práctica clínica provee recomendaciones informadas por la evidencia para la identificación de marcadores y factores de riesgo de mortalidad de los pacientes críticos, control de la infección, recolección de muestras, cuidado de soporte (ventilatorio y hemodinámico), tratamiento farma...

COVID-19 rapid guideline: critical care in adults

The purpose of this guideline is to maximise the safety of patients who need critical care during the COVID-19 pandemic, while protecting staff from infection. It will also enable services to make the best use of NHS resources....

Fluid therapy in neurointensive care patients: ESICM consensus and clinical practice recommendations

Intensive care med; 41 (7), 2018
Objective To report the ESICM consensus and clinical practice recommendations on fluid therapy in neurointensive care patients. Design A consensus committee comprising 22 international experts met in October 2016 during ESICM LIVES2016. Teleconferences and electronic-based discussions between the member...

Guidelines for the provision and assessment of nutrition support therapy in the pediatric critically Ill patient: Society of Critical Care Medicine and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition

Pediatr. crit. care med; 18 (7), 2017
This document represents the first collaboration between two organizations, American Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition and the Society of Critical Care Medicine, to describe best practices in nutrition therapy in critically ill children. The target of these guidelines is intended to be the pedi...

Evidence-based guides in tracheostomy use in critical patients

Med. intensiva; 41 (2), 2017
Objetivos: Proporcionar guías de traqueostomía para el paciente crítico, basadas en la evidencia científica disponible, y facilitar la identificación de áreas en las cuales se requieren mayores estudios. Métodos: Un grupo de trabajo formado con representantes de 10 países pertenecientes a la Fede...

Liberation from mechanical ventilation in critically ill adults: an official American College of Chest Physicians/American Thoracic Society Clinical Practice Guideline: inspiratory pressure augmentation during spontaneous breathing trials, protocols minimizing sedation, and noninvasive ventilation immediately after extubation

Chest; 151 (1), 2017
DESCRIPTION: The Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters, which comprises representatives of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) and the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI), formed a workgroup to review evidence and provide guidance to health care provide...