Resultados: 6

Kroonilise südamepuudulikkusega täiskasvanud patsiendi käsitlus esmatasandil
Treatment of an adult patient with chronic heart failure in primary care

In chronic heart failure (CHF), the heart's ability to work effectively decreases - heart failure (CHF) usually develops over a long period of time and is chronic. The number of patients with chronic heart failure is increasing in developed countries. The reason for this is the aging of the population an...

Pelvic floor dysfunction: prevention and non-surgical management

This guideline covers the prevention, assessment and non-surgical management of pelvic floor dysfunction in women aged 12 and over. It aims to raise awareness and help women to reduce their risk of pelvic floor dysfunction. For women who have pelvic floor dysfunction, the guideline recommends interventio...

Canadian Cardiovascular Harmonized National Guidelines Endeavour (C-CHANGE) guideline for the prevention and management of cardiovascular disease in primary care: 2018 update

CMAJ; 190 (40), 2018
This guideline is directed to primary health care providers caring for Canadian adults who have or are at risk of developing chronic cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, heart failure and stroke, and the risk factors for these conditions, including smoking, obesity and...

Guía de Práctica Clínica para la prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento de la ideación y/o conducta suicida (adopción)
Clinical Practice Guide for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of suicidal ideation and / or behavior (adoption)

Está orientada a la valoración y tratamiento de personas con demencia en los escenarios de la comunidad, cuidado en asilo y hospitales. Reconociendo el rol vital de los cuidadores y las familias que proporcionan cuidado a las personas con demencia, también se dan recomendaciones respecto al apoyo y la...

Detección temprana y diagnóstico del episodio depresivo y trastorno depresivo recurrente en adultos. Atención integral de los adultos con diagnóstico de episodio depresivo o trastorno depresivo recurrente: para profesionales de la salud

La guía busca elaborar recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia para contestar preguntas clínicas enmarcadas en los siguientes aspectos clínicos: Tamización y detección temprana del episodio depresivo y del trastorno depresivo recurrente del adulto. Incluye evaluación diagnóstica y diagnóstico dif...

Operations Manual for Delivery of HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment at Primary Health Centres in High-Prevalence, Resource-Constrained Settings Edition 1 for Field-testing

The Manual is based on a public health approach to scaling-up HIV services in resource-constrained settings. Th is approach includes simple, standardized regimens and formularies; algorithmic clinical decision-making; standardized supervision and patient monitoring approaches; as well as integrated deliv...