Brindar recomendaciones basadas en evidencia para el manejo de la neumonía Intrahospitalaria y neumonía asociada a ventilador mecánico....
This guideline covers interventions in secondary and further education to prevent and reduce alcohol use among children and young people aged 11 up to and including 18. It also covers people aged 11 to 25 with special educational needs or disabilities in full-time education. It will also be relevant to c...
This guideline covers assessing and managing motor neurone disease (MND). It aims to improve care from the time of diagnosis, and covers information and support, organisation of care, managing symptoms and preparing for end of life care. This guideline includes recommendations on: recognition and referra...
This guideline covers the initial assessment of symptoms and signs that might indicate a neurological condition. It helps non-specialist healthcare professionals to identify people who should be offered referral for specialist investigation. This guideline includes recommendations for: people aged 16 and...
Zika virus is an arthropod-borne flavivirus, which is transmitted primarily by mosquitoes of the Aedes genus, but can also be transmitted through sexual intercourse. The overall goal of these guidelines is to provide guidance and evidence-based recommendations about the prevention of sexual transmission ...
El diagnóstico y la certificación de muerte, históricamente se basó en la confirmación del cese irreversible de las funciones cardiorrespiratorias. La Guía de Práctica Clínica de diagnóstico de muerte encefálica y manejo del potencial donante de órganos forma parte del Catálogo Maestro de Gu...
Infection prevention and control consists of evidence-based measures intended to prevent exposure and reduce the risk of transmission of infectious agents.
The revised guidelines contain recommendations for specific administrative, environmental controls and respiratory protection, following the assessme...
S elf-care interventions are among the most promising
and exciting new approaches to improve health
and well-being, both from a health systems
perspective and for people who use these interventions.
The World Health Organization (WHO) uses the following
working definition of self-care: Self-care is the a...
Physical inactivity has been identified as a leading risk factor for global mortality and a contributor to the rise in overweight and obesity. Early childhood is a period of rapid physical and cognitive development and a time during which a child’s habits are formed and family
lifestyle habits are open...
Tuberculosis (TB) strains with drug resistance (DR-TB) are more difficult to treat than drug-susceptible ones, and threaten global progress towards the targets set by the End TB Strategy of the World Health Organization (WHO). There is thus a critical need for evidence-based policy recommendations on the...