Resultados: 77

Antiretroviral therapy of HIV infection in infants and children: towards universal access: recommendations for a public health approach 2010 revision

HIV-infected infants frequently present with clinical symptoms in the first year of life. Without effective treatment, an estimated one third of infected infants will have died by one year of age, and about half will have died by two years of age. These treatment guidelines serve as a framework for selec...

Antiretroviral drugs for treating pregnant women and preventing HIV infection in infants: recommendations for a public health approach 2010 version

For the first time, the elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (MTCT) is now considered a realistic public health goal and an important part of the campaign to achieve the millennium development goals. The 2010 revised PMTCT recommendations are based on two key approaches; lifelong ART for HI...

Antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection in adults and adolescents: recommendations for a public health approach 2010 rev

WHO guidelines for ART for HIV infection in adults and adolescents were originally published in 2002, and were revised in 2003 and 2006. New evidence has emerged on when to initiate ART, optimal ART regimens, the management of HIV coinfection with tuberculosis and chronic viral hepatitis, and the managem...

WHO recommendations on the diagnosis of HIV infection in infants and children

This publication summarizes current knowledge on the methods of diagnosing HIV infection in infants and children and sets out recommendations for practice and policy. Recommendations are designed to improve clinical management of the HIV-exposed and ‑infected child, and improve programme efforts at ear...

Inter-Agency field manual on reproductive health in humanitarian settings: 2010 revision for field review

All people, including those living in humanitarian settings, have the right to reproductive health (RH). To exercise this right, affected populations must have an enabling environment and access to comprehensive RH information and services so they can make free and informed choices. Quality RH services m...

Guidelines on HIV and infant feeding. 2010. Principles and recommendations for infant feeding in the context of HIV and a summary of evidence

Significant programmatic experience and research evidence regarding HIV and infant feeding have accumulated since recommendations on infant feeding in the context of HIV were last revised in 2006. In particular, evidence has been reported that antiretroviral (ARV) interventions to either the HIV-infected...

Rapid advice: treatment of tuberculosis in children

The World Health Organization (WHO) first published guidance for national tuberculosis control programmes on managing tuberculosis in children (hereafter called “the Guidance”) in 2006. The Guidance follows the principles of a public health approach aimed at optimizing outcomes, including the quality...

Guidelines for an integrated approach to the nutritional care of HIV-infected children (6 months-14 years)

HIV infection can impair the nutritional status of infected children from early in life. Growth faltering and reduction in length and height often occurs even before opportunistic infections or other symptoms in almost all infected children. The content of these guidelines acknowledges that wasting and ...

Guidelines for using HIV testing technologies in surveillance: selection, evaluation and implementation: 2009 update

These guidelines suggest methods for selecting, evaluating and implementing HIV testing technologies and strategies based on a country’s laboratory infrastructure and surveillance needs. The guidelines provide recommendations for specimen selection, collection, storage and testing, and for the selectio...

Clinical Guidelines for withdrawal management and treatment of drug dependence in closed settings

These guidelines use a stepped care approach to treating drug dependence. This approach acknowledges that different people require different interventions around their drug use. These guidelines take a public health approach to drug use and dependence. This approach recognises that the health of one indi...