Total: 2198

WHO guidelines for plague management: revised recommendations for the use of rapid diagnostic tests, fluoroquinolones for case management and personal protective equipment for prevention of post-mortem transmission

Plague has killed millions of people during the past 25 centuries, and the disease reappeared in several countries during the 1990s. Consequently, plague was categorized as a re-emerging disease. Human plague outbreaks continue to be reported, including an outbreak of pneumonic plague in Madagascar in 20...

WHO guideline on health workforce development, attraction, recruitment and retention in rural and remote areas

Securing equitable access to health services for rural and remote populations continues to be a challenge for governments and policymakers around the world. At the core of this complex challenge is a global shortage of well trained, skilled, motivated health workers. In 2016, the World Health Organizatio...

Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines for the follow-up of at-risk neonates: abriged version

In this abridged version of the Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Follow-Up of at-risk neonates, we provide recommendations for the care of newborns up to 2 years of age, corresponding to the first phase of their follow-up. The recommendations are intended for all health sector staff re...

In which cases should endometrial destruction be performed during an operative hysteroscopy? Clinical practice guidelines from the French College of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF)

To provide guidelines from the French College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (CNGOF), based on the best evidence available, concerning the impact of endometrial destruction on bleeding and endometrial cancer risk reduction in patients candidates for operative hysteroscopy.Recommendations were made a...

WHO antenatal care recommendations for a positive pregnancy experience: nutritional interventions update: zinc supplements during pregnancy

Evidence from a systematic review on antenatal zinc supplementation was evaluated as part of the World Health Organization (WHO) antenatal care (ANC) guideline development process in 2016, and the following recommendation on zinc supplementation was made: “Zinc supplementation for pregnant women is onl...

Guia de Boas Práticas em Navegação de Pacientes com Câncer de Mama no Brasil

O câncer de mama atinge 2.1 milhões de mulheres todos os anos no mundo. No Brasil, são 66.280 novos diagnósticos, segundo estimativas do INCA (Instituto Nacional de Câncer). Esse é o tipo de tumor mais frequente em mulheres de todas as idades e, nos países menos desenvolvidos, a mortalidade em dec...

Guideline for the pharmacological treatment of hypertension in adults

More people die each year from cardiovascular diseases than from any other cause. Over three quarters of heart disease and stroke-related deaths occur in low-income and middle-income countries. Hypertension – or elevated blood pressure – is a serious medical condition that significantly increases the...

Problema de Salud AUGE N°85: Demencia tipo Alzheimer
Health Problem AUGE N°85: Dementia type Alzheimer

La demencia se conceptualiza como un síndrome caracterizado principalmente por el declive de la cognición, aunque no únicamente de la memoria, que interfiere con el funcionamiento cotidiano de las personas [1]. Es un cuadro de presentación progresiva, más frecuente en personas de edad más avanzada,...

Problema de Salud AUGE N°83: Cáncer Renal en personas de 15 años y más
Health Problem AUGE N°83: Renal Cancer in people aged 15 and over

La incidencia del carcinoma de células renales (CCR) ha aumentado en las últimas décadas, siendo a nivel mundial el sexto cáncer más frecuentemente diagnosticado en hombres y el décimo en mujeres (1). Sin embargo, la sobrevida ha mejorado en las últimas tres décadas. Esto se ha dado, en parte, po...

Problema de Salud AUGE N°84: Mieloma Múltiple en personas de 15 años y más
Health Problem AUGE N°84: Multiple Myeloma in people 15 years and older

El Mieloma Múltiple es un tipo de neoplasia hematológica maligna incurable en la actualidad, que se caracteriza por la afección y multiplicación sin control de células plasmáticas en la médula ósea con su consecuente secreción de una proteína monoclonal y síntomas como anemia, hipercalcemia, f...