Commercial products and programs in obesity management

Ano de publicação: 2020

The commercial weight loss industry is enormous. Clini­cians should familiarize themselves with the commercial obesity management offerings in their vicinity. Criteria have been published to evaluate whether a commercial program is safe and potentially successful (i.e., offering a combination of nutrition, physical activity and behaviour change support; with realistic weight loss goals of 0.5–1.0 kg per week, a long-term weight maintenance approach; a good safety profile and reasonable costs). None of the weight loss products from the commercial industry that were studied in randomized control trials of more than 12 weeks duration were shown to produce clin­ically meaningful weight loss. Some commercial programs that combine nutrition, physical activity and support (Jenny Craig®, Nutrisystem®, Optifast®, WW® (formerly Weight Watchers) can be used to induce modest weight loss. Some programs have also shown im­provement in glycemic control in patients with obesity and diabetes but no effect on lipids or blood pressure have been demonstrated.