Alzheimeri tõve diagnostika ja ravi
Diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's disease

Ano de publicação: 2017

Dementia of the Alzheimer's disease ( AD ) type is the most common cause of dementia syndrome (more than 60% of dementia cases) and its incidence is increasing due to the aging of the population ( 12 ). Epidemiological studies of AT have not been conducted in Estonia, but based on 2012 WHO data, there may be around 13,000 or more people with dementia in Estonia ( 12 , 13 ). As far as is known, no means have been found to stop the progression of the disease, nor are there any specific markers to confirm the diagnosis with 100% accuracy. The only definite risk factor is age ( 14 ). AT not only affects the patient himself, but significantly worsens the quality of life of family members and caregivers ( 13 ). AT patients need the help of specialists from different fields in their daily clinical activities. Both health and social care professionals must be involved. Family doctors, specialists, clinical psychologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, nurses, etc. deal with this group of patients. The treatment guide recognizes the problems associated with dementia and offers science-based solutions to address them. In this way, it is possible to improve the quality of life of AT patients as well as their caregivers and family members.
et|Alzheimeri tõve (AT) tüüpi dementsus on kõige sagedasem dementsussündroomi põhjus (üle 60% dementsuse juhtudest) ja sellesse haigestumine suureneb seoses rahvastiku vananemisega (12). Eestis ei ole AT epidemioloogilisi uuringuid läbi viidud, kuid 2012. aasta WHO andmete alusel võib Eestis dementsusega inimesi olla umbes 13 000 ja enam (12,13). Teadaolevalt ei ole leitud ühtki vahendit haiguse progresseerumise peatamiseks, samuti pole teada ühtki kindlat markerit, mille alusel sajaprotsendilise täpsusega diagnoosi kinnitada. Ainus kindel riskitegur on vanus (14). AT ei puuduta üksnes haiget ennast, vaid halvendab oluliselt pereliikmete ja hooldajate elukvaliteeti (13). AT-haiged vajavad igapäevases kliinilises tegevuses eri valdkondade spetsialistide abi. Kaasata tuleb nii tervishoiu- kui ka sotsiaalvaldkonna spetsialistid. Selle haigete rühmaga tegelevad perearstid, eriarstid, kliinilised psühholoogid, logopeedid, tegevusterapeudid, õed jne. Ravijuhend teadvustab dementsusega seotud probleeme ja pakub nende käsitlemiseks teaduspõhiseid lahendusi. Seeläbi on võimalik parandada nii AT-haigete kui ka nende hooldajate ja pereliikmete elukvaliteeti.