Časná diagnostika a léčba chronické virové hepatitidy C (VHC)
Early diagnosis and treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV)
Ano de publicação: 2021
According to WHO data, 71 million people worldwide were infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) in 2015, corresponding to a prevalence of 1%. 399,000 people die annually from complications of liver cirrhosis, including hepatocellular carcinoma.
This KDP answers the following clinical questions:
Diagnostics 1. Who should be tested for HCV infection? 2. Which specific populations in the Czech Republic to test? 3. How to test for active or past HCV infection (HCV exposure) – choice of serological test and testing strategy Treatment 4. Detection of viremic HCV infection and treatment decisions 5. How to proceed before starting treatment? 6. When to start treatment? 7. What treatment to use in adult patients? 8. What treatment to use in children and adolescents? 9. What examinations should be performed after the end of treatment? Educational activity 10. How to increase the frequency of testing and improve linkage with other care and prevention?
cs|Podle údajů WHO bylo v roce 2015 infikováno virem hepatitidy C (HCV) na celém světě 71 milionů osob, což odpovídá prevalenci 1 %. 399 000 osob ročně zemře v důsledku komplikací jaterní cirhózy včetně hepatocelulárního karcinomu.