Prevence a léčba dekubitů
Pressure ulcers
Ano de publicação: 2021
Pressure ulcers are a common health problem that occurs worldwide. It is a painful, costly and often unnecessary complication that many patients are at risk of. The prevalence of pressure ulcers in health care settings worldwide can be as high as 72.5%. For patients and their caregivers, pressure ulcers represent the main burden of the disease and mean a reduction in quality of life.
This KDP deals with the prevention and treatment of patients with pressure ulcers and includes the following clinical areas:
Etiology of pressure ulcers.Prevention includes four topics:
pressure ulcer risk and risk assessment, skin and tissue assessment, and preventive skin care.Interventions for the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers that focus on five areas of care:
nutrition, positioning and early mobilization, pressure ulcers on heels, anti-pressure mattresses/pads, and pressure ulcers associated with the use of medical devices. Treatment of pressure ulcers deals with the assessment and treatment of pressure ulcers that have already occurred. Implementation of the recommended procedure into practice deals with the organization and professional strategies for the effective implementation of the clinical recommendations of this KDP.
cs|Dekubity představují častý zdravotní problém, který se vyskytuje po celém světě. Jedná se o bolestivou, nákladnou a často zbytečnou komplikaci, kterou je ohroženo mnoho pacientů. Prevalence dekubitů v prostředí zdravotní péče na celém světě může dosahovat až 72,5 %. Pro pacienty i jejich pečovatele představují dekubity hlavní zátěž onemocnění a znamenají snížení kvality života.