Guidelines for the management of pregnant and breastfeeding women in the context of Ebola virus disease
Ano de publicação: 2020
The Democratic Republic of Congo is currently experiencing the second largest Ebola
outbreak in history, following a 2014-2016 outbreak in western Africa that had an estimated 28,000 cases. Investigational treatment and vaccination trials are ongoing, but data in the context of pregnancy and breastfeeding are limited. A paucity of scientific evidence exists on how to best treat pregnant or breastfeeding women with suspected or confirmed Ebola virus disease (EVD). Historical reports suggest that, among women who acquire EVD during pregnancy, there is increased mortality and morbidity, and a near 100% rate of adverse pregnancy outcomes. To save the lives of mothers and their babies, mitigate complications, and limit the spread of disease, it is critical that recommendations are made on the prevention, treatment, and surveillance of women who are exposed to EVD, acquire EVD during pregnancy or breastfeeding, or survive EVD with ongoing pregnancies. These guidelines are the first to provide such recommendations. They also cover the surveillance
and management of ongoing pregnancies and adverse pregnancy-related events, the
handling of bodily and pregnancy-related fluids during acute maternal infection and
following recovery, and the management of subsequent pregnancies in Ebola survivors.
These guidelines will be of interest to health policy-makers, emergency preparedness and response teams, and healthcare providers who work with pregnant or breastfeeding women in the context of Ebola. The guidelines are relevant to the WHO goal of ensuring one billion people are better protected from health emergencies by impacting maternal mortality, neonatal survival, and the transmission Ebola virus in the context of an Ebola epidemic.
Specific recommendations cover 6 topics.