Guías de Práctica Clínica para el Tratamiento del Tabaquismo, Chile 2017
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Smoking Cessation

Rev. méd. Chile; 145 (11), 2017
Ano de publicação: 2017

Considering that a high proportion of the Chilean general population smokes, the Chilean Society of Respiratory Diseases in collaboration with the Chilean Societies of Cardiology and, Endocrinology and Diabetes, formed an interdisciplinary group, who issued a set of recommendations for the treatment of the smoker, methodologically advised by experts. These interventions should be prioritized in high-risk groups. Methods The panel elaborated and graded the recommendations following the GRADE methodology. To assess the effect of each intervention, systematic reviews and randomized clinical trials were identified. In addition, a search of studies done with the Chilean population was carried out. For each of the questions, the panel determined the direction and strength of the recommendation through a decision evidence table. Recommendations For all smokers, the panel recommends using brief counseling ABC on non-intervention, using mobile telephone interventions on non-intervention, using text message on non-intervention, (strong recommendation; moderate certainty in the evidence of the effects). For motivated individuals, with indication for quitting drugs the panel recommends using nicotine replacement therapy on non-intervention, using bupropion on non-intervention, using varenicline on non-intervention. (strong recommendation; moderate certainty in the evidence of the effects). Discussion This clinical practice guide provides recommendations based on the evidence for smoking cessation.
El propósito de esta guía es presentar recomendaciones basadas en evidencia sobre las intervenciones disponibles para dejar de fumar. Su audiencia objetivo corresponde a todos los profesionales de la salud y su población objetivo corresponde a personas fumadoras atendidas en ambientes ambulatorios u hospitalarios, además de poblaciones especiales como embarazadas, adolescentes y pacientes con enfermedad psiquiátrica (compensada por al menos tres meses).