Resultados: 3

The ASAM/AAAP Clinical Practice Guideline on the Management of Stimulant Use Disorder

The American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) and the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) developed this Clinical Practice Guideline on the Management of Stimulant Use Disorder (hereafter referred to as the Guideline) to provide evidence-based strategies and standards of care for the trea...

Guía práctica clínica para el tratamiento farmacológico y psicológico de los pacientes adultos con un trastorno mental grave y un trastorno por uso de sustancias
A clinical guideline for the pharmacological and psychological treatment of adult patients with a serious mental disorder and substance use disorder

Objetivos: El objetivo principal de esta Guía es recoger recomendaciones concretas basadas en los resultados de la literatura científica para tratar a pacientes con un trastorno mental grave y un consumo de sustancias atendidos en centros de tratamiento hospitalarios y ambulatorios. Incluye: 1) Recomen...

Coexisting severe mental illness (psychosis) and substance misuse: assessment and management in healthcare settings

This guideline covers assessing and managing people aged 14 years and over with coexisting severe mental illness (psychosis) and substance misuse. It aims to help healthcare professionals guide people with psychosis with coexisting substance misuse to stabilise, reduce or stop their substance misuse, to ...