Resultados: 6

Recommendations for screening, monitoring, prevention, prophylaxis and therapy of hepatitis B virus reactivation in patients with haematologic malignancies and patients who underwent haematologic stem cell transplantation-a position paper

Clin. microbiol. infect; 23 (12), 2017
SCOPE: Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection reactivation is associated with high morbidity and mortality in patients with haematologic malignancy and/or haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). However, information on this issue is limited. The scope of this position paper is to provide recommendati...

Guía de práctica clínica para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Crohn en población adulta
Clinical practice guideline for treatment of Crohn's Disease in adult population

Rev. colomb. gastroenterol; 32 (supl 1), 2017
Generar recomendaciones informadas en la evidencia para el tratamiento de los pacientes con enfermedad de Crohn. Apoyar al tratamiento oportuno y seguro de los pacientes de enfermedad de Crohn considerando las minimización de secuelas y la hospitalización. Apoyar a los tomadores de decisiones a formula...

IV Spanish Consensus Conference on Helicobacter pylori infection treatment

Gastroenterol. hepatol; 39 (10), 2016
Helicobacter pylori approximately infect 50% of Spanish population and causes chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer and gastric cancer. Until now, three consensus meetings on H.pylori infection had been performed in Spain (the last in 2012). The changes in the treatment schemes, and the increasing available ev...

Danish guidelines on management of otitis media in preschool children

"INTRODUCTION: Otitis media is one of the most common diseases in small children. This underlines the importance of optimizing diagnostics and treatment of the condition. Recent literature points toward a stricter approach to diagnosing acute otitis media (AOM). Moreover, ventilating tube treatment for r...

Treatment of cushing's syndrome: an Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline

OBJECTIVE: The objective is to formulate clinical practice guidelines for treating Cushing's syndrome. PARTICIPANTS: Participants include an Endocrine Society-appointed Task Force of experts, a methodologist, and a medical writer. The European Society for Endocrinology co-sponsored the guideline. EVIDENC...

​Guía de Práctica Clínica ​(GPC) Detección temprana y diagnóstico del episodio depresivo y trastorno depresivo recurrente en adultos. Atención integral de los adultos con diagnóstico de episodio depresivo o trastorno depresivo recurrente ​​​
Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) Early detection and diagnosis of depressive episode and recurrent depressive disorder in adults. Comprehensive care for adults diagnosed with depressive episode or recurrent depressive disorder

Se espera que la implementación de las recomendaciones contenidas en esta guía sea útil para capacitar al personal de atención en la detección, abordaje y seguimiento de los adultos que cumplen criterios diagnósticos de episodio depresivo o trastorno depresivo recurrente. Brindar parámetros de ate...