Resultados: 2

Prevención y diagnóstico de sobrepeso y obesidad en niños y adolescentes

Esta guía aborda aspectos relacionados con la prevención y el diagnóstico del sobrepeso y la obesidad en niños y adolescentes. Pone a disposición del primer nivel de la atención la mejor evidencia disponible con la intención de estandarizar las acciones nacionales acerca de: estandarizar el diagn...

Guideline assessing and managing children at primary health-care facilities to prevent overweight and obesity in the context of the double burden of malnutrition: updates for the integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI)

As part of its response to the global epidemic of obesity, WHO has issued guidelines to support primary healthcare workers identify and manage children who are overweight or obese. Specifically, all infants and children aged less than 5 years presenting to primary health-care facilities should have both ...