Resultados: 3

Lamatiste käsitlus: ennetamine ja ravi
Management of bedsores: prevention and treatment

A bedsore is a localized damage to the skin and/or subcutaneous tissue that usually occurs due to pressure in the area of ​​bony prominences or a combination of displacement, friction and pressure. When lying down, a person's quality of life deteriorates for a long time, the need for care and aids, t...

Guideline No. 403: initial investigation and management of adnexal masses

J. obstet. gynaecol. Can; 42 (8), 2020
To aid primary care physicians, emergency medicine physicians, and gynaecologists in the initial investigation of adnexal masses, defined as lumps that appear near the uterus or in or around ovaries, fallopian tubes, or surrounding connective tissue, and to outline recommendations for identifying women w...

Pre-operative evaluation of adults undergoing elective noncardiac surgery: Updated guideline from the European Society of Anaesthesiology

Eur. j. anaesthesiol; 35 (6), 2018
The purpose of this update of the European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA) guidelines on the pre-operative evaluation of the adult undergoing noncardiac surgery is to present recommendations based on the available relevant clinical evidence. Well performed randomised studies on the topic are limited and...