Resultados: 20

Semaglutide for managing overweight and obesity

Evidence-based recommendations on semaglutide (Wegovy) for managing overweight and obesity in adults. Commercial availability The Wegovy brand of semaglutide is not commercially available yet....

Obesidad en adultos: guía de práctica clínica adaptada para Chile
Obesity in adults: clinical practice guideline adapted for Chile

Medwave; 22 (10), 2022
La Sociedad Chilena de Cirugía Bariátrica y Metabólica, junto a otras sociedades científicas, lideró el proceso de adaptación de la guía de práctica clínica de obesidad en adultos para Chile, tomando como base las directrices desarrolladas para Canadá. La guía canadiense buscó, entre sus prin...

Medical nutrition therapy in obesity management

Healthy eating is important for all Canadians, regardless of body size, weight or health condition. Key messages from Canada’s Food Guide for Healthy Eating can be used as a foundation for nutrition and food-related education (Figure 1). Use evidence-based nutrition resources to give your patients nutr...

Pharmacotherapy for obesity management

Pharmacological treatments are an effective and scalable approach to treating obesity. As with any chronic disease, such as type 2 diabetes (T2DM) or hypertension, pharmacotherapy is an important pillar in the management of obesity. The focus of obesity management should be the improvement of health para...

Guía de práctica clínica para el manejo quirúrgico de la obesidad en adultos

Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la obesidad se define como una acumulación excesiva de grasa corporal (1), que tiene una estrecha relación con la aparición o complicación de enfermedades crónicas como la diabetes, enfermedades cardiovasculares, y el cáncer (2). En la actualidad, la obe...

Reducing weight bias in obesity management, practice and policy

Policy makers developing obesity policies should assess and reflect on their own attitudes and beliefs related to obesity. Public health policy makers should avoid using stigmatizing language and images. It is well established that shaming does not change behaviours. In fact, shaming can increase the lik...

Prevention and harm reduction of obesity (clinical prevention)

Obesity is a heterogeneous disease that can develop via slow and steady weight gain over an extended period, or from rapid bursts of weight gain. Regular assessments of body weight are needed to catch early weight gain. Use the Edmonton Obesity Staging System to evaluate if the patient has obesity. Clini...

The role of mental health in obesity management

Be aware of the links between mental illness and obesity, and ensure you manage the weight gain side-effects of medications used in the treatment of mental illness. Be aware that mental illness can impact obesity manage­ment efforts, and screen patients for potential mental ill­nesses that need to be a...

Effective psychological and behavioural interventions in obesity management

All obesity management interventions involve behaviour on the part of the individual living with obesity (e.g., eating, activity, medication adherence), so behavioural change supports should be incorporated into all obesity management plans. This requires a shift in the patient-provider relationship from...