Resultados: 3

WHO recommendations on newborn health: guidelines approved by the WHO Guidelines Review Committee

This publication on WHO recommendations related to newborn health is one of four in a series; the others relate to maternal, child and adolescent health. The objective of this document is to make available WHO recommendations on newborn health in one easy-to-access document for WHO staff, policy-makers, ...

Guía de Práctica Clínica ​(GPC) del recién nacido sano
Clinical Practice Guideline (GPC) healthy newborn

La guía está basada en la mejor y más actualizada evidencia disponible, con recomendaciones jerarquizadas según nivel de evidencia y grado de recomendación, que no solo sirvan como bases para orientar la práctica clínica sino que puedan ser utilizadas para diseñar, desarrollar y llevar a cabo act...

Guidelines on neonatal seizures

Neonatal seizures represent one of the most frequent neurological events in newborn infants, often reflecting a variety of different pre-, peri-, or postnatal disorders of the central nervous system (CNS). These guidelines are intended to be of use for neonatologists, pediatric neurologists, pediatrician...