Resultados: 4

Maternal and fetal assessment update: imaging ultrasound before 24 weeks of pregnancy

This recommendation is an update of one of the 49 recommendations that were published in the WHO recommendations on antenatal care for a positive pregnancy experience. The recommendation was developed initially using the standardized operating procedures described in the WHO handbook for guideline develo...

Guideline No. 410: prevention, screening, diagnosis, and pregnancy Management for fetal neural tube defects

J. obstet. gynaecol. Can; 43 (1), 2021
This revised guideline is intended to provide an update on the genetic aspects, prevention, screening, diagnosis, and management of fetal neural tube defects. Target population: Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant. Neural tube defect screening should be offered to all pregnant women. For preven...

Guideline No. 409: intrauterine fetal diagnostic testing in women with chronic viral infections

J. obstet. gynaecol. Can; 42 (12), 2020
This revised guideline provides updated information for the care of women with chronic viral infections who require intrauterine fetal diagnostic testing. Women with chronic viral infections who are pregnant or planning a pregnancy. Non-invasive screening tests for diagnosis: maternal serum placental ana...

Twin and triplet pregnancy

This guideline covers the care that should be offered to women with a twin or triplet pregnancy in addition to the routine care that is offered to all women during pregnancy. It aims to reduce the risk of complications and improve outcomes for women and their babies....