Resultados: 3

Evidence-based clinical practice guideline for the evaluation of potentially malignant disorders in the oral cavity: a report of the American Dental Association

J. am. dent. Assoc; 148 (10), 2017
BACKGROUND: An expert panel convened by the American Dental Association (ADA) Council on Scientific Affairs and the Center for Evidence-Based Dentistry conducted a systematic review and formulated clinical recommendations to inform primary care clinicians about the potential use of adjuncts as triage too...

Italian prostate biopsies group: 2016 updated guidelines insights

Anticancer Res; 37 (2), 2017
AIM: To present a summary of the updated guidelines of the Italian Prostate Biopsies Group following the best recent evidence of the literature. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A systematic review of the new data emerging from 2012-2015 was performed by a panel of 14 selected Italian experts in urology, pathology...

Guía de práctica clínica (GPC): guía de GELTAMO para diagnóstico, prevención y manejo terapéutico de la afectación del sistema nervioso central en pacientes con linfoma b difuso de célula grande

El objetivo principal de la guía es proporcionar a los profesionales sanitarios, recomendaciones para la prevención, el diagnóstico y el manejo terapéutico de los pacientes con Linfoma B Difuso de célula grande (LBDCG), que presentan (o tienen riesgo de) afectación leptomeníngea o del parénquima ...