Resultados: 6

2023 clinical practice guidelines on autism spectrum disorder in children and adolescents in Singapore

Ann. Acad. Med. Singap; 53 (4), 2024
Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that is increasing in prevalence worldwide. There has been an exponential increase in autism-related research since 2010, when the first Singapore Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) on autism was published. Understanding of autism has since evolved to adopt a life...

Poruchy autistického spektra: časná diagnostika, léčba a prevence
Autistic spectrum disorders: early diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Porucha autistického spektra (PAS) je široce definované neurovývojové onemocnění postihující děti, mladé, ale i dospělé osoby. Projevuje se nesnázemi v sociální interakci (komunikaci), repetitivními (opakujícími) se vzorci v chování a restriktivními (omezenými) zájmy. Může posti...

Autism spectrum disorder in adults: diagnosis and management: Last updated 14 June 2021

This guideline covers diagnosing and managing suspected or confirmed autism spectrum disorder (autism, Asperger's syndrome and atypical autism) in people aged 18 and over. It aims to improve access and engagement with interventions and services, and the experience of care, for people with autism....

Autism spectrum disorder in under 19s: recognition, referral and diagnosis

This guideline covers recognising and diagnosing autism spectrum disorder in children and young people from birth up to 19 years. It also covers referral. It aims to improve the experience of children, young people and those who care for them. In December 2017, we reviewed the evidence and added ADHD as ...

Autism spectrum disorder in adults: diagnosis and management

This guideline covers diagnosing and managing suspected or confirmed autism spectrum disorder (autism, Asperger’s syndrome and atypical autism) in people aged 18 and over. It aims to improve access and engagement with interventions and services, and the experience of care, for people with autism. In A...

Autism spectrum disorder in under 19s: recognition, referral and diagnosis

This guideline covers recognising and diagnosing autism spectrum disorder in children and young people from birth up to 19 years. It also covers referral. It aims to improve the experience of children, young people and those who care for them....