Resultados: 9

Lamatiste käsitlus: ennetamine ja ravi
Management of bedsores: prevention and treatment

A bedsore is a localized damage to the skin and/or subcutaneous tissue that usually occurs due to pressure in the area of ​​bony prominences or a combination of displacement, friction and pressure. When lying down, a person's quality of life deteriorates for a long time, the need for care and aids, t...

Guideline No. 403: initial investigation and management of adnexal masses

J. obstet. gynaecol. Can; 42 (8), 2020
To aid primary care physicians, emergency medicine physicians, and gynaecologists in the initial investigation of adnexal masses, defined as lumps that appear near the uterus or in or around ovaries, fallopian tubes, or surrounding connective tissue, and to outline recommendations for identifying women w...

Guía para el cuidado crítico de pacientes adultos graves con Coronavirus (COVID-19) en las Américas: versión larga

Esta guía de práctica clínica provee recomendaciones informadas en la evidencia para el control de la infección, recolección de muestras, cuidado de soporte, tratamiento farmacológico y prevención de complicaciones. Las recomendaciones están dirigidas a todo el personal de salud que atiende a los...

Pneumonia in adults: diagnosis and management

This guideline provides recommendations for the management of suspected and confirmed community- and hospital-acquired pneumonia in adults. However, it does not provide recommendations on areas of care where best practice is already established, such as diagnosis using chest X-ray. This guideline does no...

Pre-operative evaluation of adults undergoing elective noncardiac surgery: Updated guideline from the European Society of Anaesthesiology

Eur. j. anaesthesiol; 35 (6), 2018
The purpose of this update of the European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA) guidelines on the pre-operative evaluation of the adult undergoing noncardiac surgery is to present recommendations based on the available relevant clinical evidence. Well performed randomised studies on the topic are limited and...

WHO recommendations: optimizing health worker roles to improve access to key maternal and newborn health interventions through task shifting

The World Health Organization’s recommendations on optimizing the roles of health workers aim to help address critical health workforce shortages that slow down progress towards the health-related Millennium Development Goals. A more rational distribution of tasks and responsibilities among cadres of h...

WHO recommendations: optimizing health worker roles to improve access to key maternal and newborn health interventions through task shifting

The World Health Organization’s recommendations on optimizing the roles of health workers aim to help address critical health workforce shortages that slow down progress towards the health-related Millennium Development Goals. A more rational distribution of tasks and responsibilities among cadres of h...

Clinical management of influenza and other acute respiratory illness in resource-limited settings: learning from the influenza pandemic (H1N1) 2009

Pandemic (H1N1) 2009, the first influenza pandemic of the 21st century, reached all parts of the world within a year, causing epidemics of varying magnitude. During the pandemic period, the World Health Organization (WHO) received reports of over 18 000 laboratory-confirmed deaths due to infection with t...

Summary of the international clinical guidelines for the management of hospital-acquired and ventilator-acquired pneumonia

ERJ open res; 4 (2), 2008
Nosocomial pneumonia is a frequent infection that is classified into two groups [1]: HAP, which develops in hospitalised patients after 48 h of admission, and does not require (but may include) artificial ventilation at the time of diagnosis [2, 3]; and VAP, which occurs in intensive care unit (ICU) pati...