Resultados: 28

European Stroke Organisation (ESO) and European Society for Minimally Invasive Neurological Therapy (ESMINT) guideline on acute management of basilar artery occlusion

The aim of the present European Stroke Organisation (ESO) guideline is to provide evidence-based recommendations on the acute management of patients with basilar artery occlusion (BAO). These guidelines were prepared following the Standard Operational Procedure of the ESO and according to the GRADE metho...

Clinical guidelines for stroke management: chapter 4 of 8: secondary prevention

The Stroke Foundation is a national charity that partners with the community to prevent, treat and beat stroke. We stand alongside stroke survivors and their families, healthcare professionals and researchers. We build community awareness and foster new thinking and innovative treatments. We support surv...

Clinical guidelines for stroke management: chapter 1 of 8: pre-hospital care

The Stroke Foundation is a national charity that partners with the community to prevent, treat and beat stroke. We stand alongside stroke survivors and their families, healthcare professionals and researchers. We build community awareness and foster new thinking and innovative treatments. We support surv...

Clinical guidelines for stroke management: chapter 2 of 8: early assessment and diagnosis

The Stroke Foundation is a national charity that partners with the community to prevent, treat and beat stroke. We stand alongside stroke survivors and their families, healthcare professionals and researchers. We build community awareness and foster new thinking and innovative treatments. We support surv...

Clinical guidelines for stroke management: chapter 3 of 8: acute medical and surgical management

The Stroke Foundation is a national charity that partners with the community to prevent, treat and beat stroke. We stand alongside stroke survivors and their families, healthcare professionals and researchers. We build community awareness and foster new thinking and innovative treatments. We support surv...

Clinical guidelines for stroke management: chapter 5 of 8: rehabilitation

The Stroke Foundation is a national charity that partners with the community to prevent, treat and beat stroke. We stand alongside stroke survivors and their families, healthcare professionals and researchers. We build community awareness and foster new thinking and innovative treatments. We support surv...

Clinical guidelines for stroke management: chapter 6 of 8: managing complications

The Stroke Foundation is a national charity that partners with the community to prevent, treat and beat stroke. We stand alongside stroke survivors and their families, healthcare professionals and researchers. We build community awareness and foster new thinking and innovative treatments. We support surv...

Clinical guidelines for stroke management: chapter 7 of 8: discharge planning and transfer of care

The Stroke Foundation is a national charity that partners with the community to prevent, treat and beat stroke. We stand alongside stroke survivors and their families, healthcare professionals and researchers. We build community awareness and foster new thinking and innovative treatments. We support surv...

Clinical guidelines for stroke management: chapter 8 of 8: community participation and long-term care

The Stroke Foundation is a national charity that partners with the community to prevent, treat and beat stroke. We stand alongside stroke survivors and their families, healthcare professionals and researchers. We build community awareness and foster new thinking and innovative treatments. We support surv...

Ischemická cévní mozková příhoda nebo tranzitorní ischemická ataka a jejich sekundární prevence u pacientů s otevřeným foramen ovale a Péče o pacienty s cévní mozkovou příhodou a hypertenzí
Ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack and their secondary prevention in patients with patent foramen ovale and Care of patients with stroke and hypertension

Cílem tohoto KDP je poskytnout nástroj pro rozhodování o sekundární prevenci ischemické cévní mozkové příhody (iCMP) nebo tranzitorní ischemické ataky (TIA) u pacientů s otevřeným foramen ovale (PFO) a o péči o pacienty s CMP a hypertenzí na základě nejlepších dostupných důkazů...