Resultados: 54

Multiple sclerosis in adults: management

This guideline covers diagnosing and managing multiple sclerosis in people aged 18 and over. It aims to improve the quality of life for adults with multiple sclerosis by promoting symptom management, comprehensive reviews and effective relapse treatment....

Risk reduction of cognitive decline and dementia: WHO guidelines

The WHO Guidelines on risk reduction of cognitive decline and dementia provide evidence-based recommendations on lifestyle behaviours and interventions to delay or prevent cognitive decline and dementia. Worldwide, around 50 million people have dementia and, with one new case every three seconds, the num...

Alaseljavalu diagnostika ja ravi esmatasandil
Diagnosis and treatment of low back pain at the primary level

Alaseljavalu on valu või ebamugavustunne alumise roide ja tuharavoldi vahelisel alal. Valu võib kiirguda ka ühte või mõlemasse jalga (reide), sellega võivad kaasneda muud neuroloogilised nähud (radikulopaatia). Enamikul alaseljavaluga inimestest ei ole võimalik kindlaks teha spetsiifilist notsits...

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in over 16s: diagnosis and management

This guideline covers diagnosing and managing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD (which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis) in people aged 16 and older. It aims to help people with COPD to receive a diagnosis earlier so that they can benefit from treatments to reduce symptoms, improve q...

Translation and implementation of the Australian-led PCOS guideline: clinical summary and translation resources from the International Evidence-based Guideline for the Assessment and Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Med J Aust; 209 (7), 2018
We have developed the first international evidence-based guideline for the diagnosis and management of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), with an integrated translation program incorporating resources for health professionals and consumers. The development process involved an extensive Australian-led inte...

People's experience in adult social care services: improving the experience of care and support for people using adult social care services

This guideline covers the care and support of adults receiving social care in their own homes, residential care and community settings. It aims to help people understand what care they can expect and to improve their experience by supporting them to make decisions about their care....

Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) guidelines: 2016 revision

J. allergy clin. immunol; 140 (4), 2017
BACKGROUND: Allergic rhinitis (AR) affects 10% to 40% of the population. It reduces quality of life and school and work performance and is a frequent reason for office visits in general practice. Medical costs are large, but avoidable costs associated with lost work productivity are even larger than thos...

Advanced breast cancer: diagnosis and treatment. Last updated: 2017

This guideline covers care and support for people with advanced (stage 4) breast cancer. It aims to help them and their healthcare professionals make shared decisions about tests and treatments to improve outcomes and quality of life. A table of NHS England interim treatment regimens gives possible alter...

Guía clínica abordaje de la depresión en mujeres con cáncer de mama
Clinical guide addressing depression in women with breast cancer

La depresión es un trastorno del estado de ánimo que se manifiesta a partir de una serie de síntomas que incluyen, tristeza o anhedonia, es decir la incapacidad de disfrutar las cosas que habitualmente se disfrutan, de al menos dos semanas de duración asociados a alteraciones del sueño, del apetito,...