Resultados: 51

Alaseljavalu diagnostika ja ravi esmatasandil
Diagnosis and treatment of low back pain at the primary level

Alaseljavalu on valu või ebamugavustunne alumise roide ja tuharavoldi vahelisel alal. Valu võib kiirguda ka ühte või mõlemasse jalga (reide), sellega võivad kaasneda muud neuroloogilised nähud (radikulopaatia). Enamikul alaseljavaluga inimestest ei ole võimalik kindlaks teha spetsiifilist notsits...

Pain in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma: A multidisciplinary, International guideline for optimized management

Pancreatology; 18 (4), 2018
Abdominal pain is an important symptom in most patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Adequate control of pain is often unsatisfactory due to limited treatment options and significant variation in local practice, emphasizing the need for a multidisciplinary approach. This review contends ...

Guía de práctica clínica para el tratamiento de la espondiloartritis axial y la artritis psoriásica

Esta guía se centra en la atención de personas afectadas por espondiloartritis axial (EspAax) o por artritis psoriásica (APs). Se incluyen solamente pacientes adultos y el área clínica abordada es la del tratamiento de la enfermedad....

Fractures (complex): assessment and management

This guideline covers assessing and managing pelvic fractures, open fractures and severe ankle fractures (known as pilon fractures and intra-articular distal tibia fractures) in pre-hospital settings (including ambulance services), emergency departments and major trauma centres. It aims to reduce deaths ...

Endometriosis: diagnosis and management

This guideline covers diagnosing and managing endometriosis. It aims to raise awareness of the symptoms of endometriosis, and to provide clear advice on what action to take when women with signs and symptoms first present in healthcare settings. It also provides advice on the range of treatments availabl...

Operative fixation of rib fractures after blunt trauma: A practice management guideline from the Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma

"BACKGROUND: Rib fractures are identified in 10% of all injury victims and are associated with significant morbidity (33%) and mortality (12%). Significant progress has been made in the management of rib fractures over the past few decades, including operative reduction and internal fixation (rib ORIF); ...

Guía de práctica clínica para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de lumbalgia

La lumbalgia es un síndrome muy prevalente en la población general, y en algunos casos se convierte en una patología crónica con múltiples limitaciones. La lumbalgia requiere un manejo interdisciplinario y complejo, y la pérdida laboral de horas-hombre es alta. Debido a estas consideraciones, el Si...

Low back pain and sciatica in over 16s: assessment and management

This guideline covers assessing and managing low back pain and sciatica in people aged 16 and over. It outlines physical, psychological, pharmacological and surgical treatments to help people manage their low back pain and sciatica in their daily life. The guideline aims to improve people’s quality of ...

Spasticity in under 19s: management

This guideline covers managing spasticity and co-existing motor disorders and their early musculoskeletal complications in children and young people (from birth up to their 19th birthday) with non-progressive brain disorders. It aims to reduce variation in practice and help healthcare professionals to se...

Palliative care for adults: strong opioids for pain relief

This guideline covers safe and effective prescribing of strong opioids for pain relief in adults with advanced and progressive disease. It aims to clarify the clinical pathway for prescribing and help to improve pain management and patient safety. Care during the last 2 to 3 days of life is covered by ca...