Resultados: 20

Personal protective equipment for use in a filovirus disease outbreak: rapid advice guideline

Filoviruses (Ebola and Marburg) are highly contagious pathogens, which cause severe and often fatal illness in humans. Health workers are at increased risk of infection with these viruses because of their close and prolonged contact with severely ill patients with a high viral load. The risk of transmiss...

Care of dying adults in the last days of life

This guideline covers the clinical care of adults (18 years and over) who are dying during the last 2 to 3 days of life. It aims to improve end of life care for people in their last days of life by communicating respectfully and involving them, and the people important to them, in decisions and by mainta...

Managing meningitis epidemics in Africa A quick reference guide for health authorities and health-care workers

Meningococcal meningitis is a bacterial form of meningitis, a serious infection of the meninges (brain membrane). It can cause severe brain damage and is fatal in 50% of cases if untreated. It provides a concise overview of the World Health Organization (WHO) strategy to detect and respond to meningitis ...

Health worker roles in providing safe abortion care and post abortion contraception

Planned and regulated task shifting and task sharing can have a range of benefits. It can ensure a rational optimization of the available health workforce, address health system shortages of specialized health-care professionals, improve equity in access to health care and increase the acceptability of h...

Consensus summary statement of the International Multidisciplinary Consensus Conference on Multimodality Monitoring in Neurocritical Care: a statement for healthcare professionals from the Neurocritical Care Society and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine

Intensive care med; 40 (9), 2014
Neurocritical care depends, in part, on careful patient monitoring but as yet there are little data on what processes are the most important to monitor, how these should be monitored, and whether monitoring these processes is cost-effective and impacts outcome. At the same time, bioinformatics is a rapid...

Transforming and scaling up health professionals’ education and training: World Health Organization guidelines 2013

The World Health Report 2006 ‘Working Together for Health’ pointed to an estimated 57 countries globally that have a critical shortage equivalent to a global deficit of 2.4 million doctors, nurses and midwives which by implication suggests millions of people worldwide who do not receive the essential...

WHO recommendations: optimizing health worker roles to improve access to key maternal and newborn health interventions through task shifting

The World Health Organization’s recommendations on optimizing the roles of health workers aim to help address critical health workforce shortages that slow down progress towards the health-related Millennium Development Goals. A more rational distribution of tasks and responsibilities among cadres of h...

WHO recommendations: optimizing health worker roles to improve access to key maternal and newborn health interventions through task shifting

The World Health Organization’s recommendations on optimizing the roles of health workers aim to help address critical health workforce shortages that slow down progress towards the health-related Millennium Development Goals. A more rational distribution of tasks and responsibilities among cadres of h...

Increasing access to health workers in remote and rural areas through improved retention: global policy recommendations

Half the world’s people currently live in rural and remote areas. The problem is that most health workers live and work in cities. This imbalance is common to almost all countries and poses a major challenge to the nationwide provision of health services. This report builds on work that has already bee...