Resultados: 32

AGA clinical practice update on risk stratification for colorectal cancer screening and post-polypectomy surveillance: expert review

Gastroenterology; 165 (5), 2023
Since the early 2000s, there has been a rapid decline in colorectal cancer (CRC) mortality, due in large part to screening and removal of precancerous polyps. Despite these improvements, CRC remains the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, with approximately 53,000 deaths projected...

Maligní melanom: diagnostika a léčba
Malignant melanoma: diagnosis and treatment

Maligní melanom kůže představuje agresivní zhoubný nádor kůže neuroektodermového původu, který vychází z melanocytů bazální vrstvy epidermis. Tento nádor zaujímá přibližně 4 % ze všech zhoubných kožních tumorů, avšak je zodpovědný až za 65–75 % případů úmrtí asociov...

PET-CT v diagnostice a kontrole léčby onkologických onemocnění
PET-CT in the diagnosis and control of the treatment of oncological diseases

Pozitronová emisní tomografie (PET) v kombinaci s výpočetní tomografií, popř. s magnetickou rezonancí je zobrazovací vyšetřovací metoda nukleární medicíny. Využívá cíleného funkčního zobrazení specifických vlastností buněk pomocí radiofarmak. Největší uplatnění má PET v s...

Tamización primaria con prueba ADN-VPH en mujeres menores de 30 años: evaluación de tecnología sanitaria

Antecedentes A partir del 2014 en Colombia se incorporó la Tamización primaria con prueba de Virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH) desde los 30 hasta los 65 años, cuando la prueba es positiva se hace triage con citología para remisión a colposcopia. Actualmente se discute la conveniencia de iniciar la tam...

WHO guideline for screening and treatment of cervical pre-cancer lesions for cervical cancer prevention, second edition: use of mRNA tests for human papillomavirus (‎HPV)‎

This WHO and HRP guideline is designed to help countries make faster progress, more equitably, on the screening and treatment of cervical cancer. This document includes guidance on an important additional option for cervical screening, the use of mRNA (messenger RNA) HPV testing. This gives countries a...

Suspected cancer: recognition and referral: Last updated 15 December 2021

This guideline covers identifying children, young people and adults with symptoms that could be caused by cancer. It outlines appropriate investigations in primary care, and selection of people to refer for a specialist opinion. It aims to help people understand what to expect if they have symptoms that ...

Screening for Lung Cancer: CHEST guideline and expert panel report

Chest; (21), 2021
Low-dose chest CT screening for lung cancer has become a standard of care in the United States, in large part because of the results of the National Lung Screening Trial (NLST). Additional evidence supporting the net benefit of low-dose chest CT screening for lung cancer, and increased experience in mini...

Executive summary screening for Lung Cancer: Chest guideline and expert panel report

Chest; (21), 2021
Low-dose chest CT screening for lung cancer has become a standard of care in the United States, in large part because of the results of the National Lung Screening Trial (NLST). Additional evidence supporting the net benefit of low-dose chest CT screening for lung cancer, and increased experience in mini...

WHO guideline for screening and treatment of cervical pre-cancer lesions for cervical cancer prevention, 2nd ed

Cervical cancer is a leading cause of mortality among women. In 2020, an estimated 604 000 women were diagnosed with cervical cancer worldwide and about 342 000 women died from the disease. Cervical cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in 23 countries and is the leading cause of cancer death in 3...

Guía de práctica clínica para el manejo de cáncer de cuello uterino: estadios tempranos

El cáncer de cuello uterino o cáncer de cérvix es el cuarto cáncer más común en mujeres(1, 2). El impacto del cáncer de cuello uterino en el Perú es importante: el 14.9% de todos los casos de cáncer notificados en el periodo 2006-2011, correspondía al cáncer de cuello uterino y los departament...